Operator Component

Operator components are designed to provide a more flexible and detailed approach to data handling and manipulation. It empowers users to execute custom code without the necessity for server management or pre-provisioning. This feature allows for on-demand code execution, triggered whenever data is piped into the component, enhancing the adaptability and efficiency of the data pipeline.

AudioThe Audio component is an operator component that allows users to extract and manipulate audio from different sources.
Base64The Base64 component is an operator component that allows users to encode or decode a string in Base64 format.
DocumentThe Document component is an operator component that allows users to manipulate Document files.
ImageThe Image component is an operator component that allows users to manipulate image files.
JSONThe JSON component is an operator component that allows users to manipulate and convert JSON entities.
TextThe Text component is an operator component that allows users to extract and manipulate text from different sources.
VideoThe Video component is an operator component that allows users to extract and manipulate video from different sources.
WebThe Web component is an operator component that allows users to scrape websites.