View Runs

Instill VDP enables users to list and search historical pipeline runs, facilitating monitoring and analysis of pipeline execution.

#Run Object

The View Runs API returns a list of Run objects in the response. Below are the key fields:

  • pipelineUid: The unique identifier of the pipeline.
  • pipelineVersion: The specific version of the pipeline.
  • pipelineRunUid: The unique identifier of the pipeline run.
  • status: The current run status.
  • source: The trigger method for the pipeline run.
  • inputs: The inputs provided to the pipeline run.
  • outputs: The resulting outputs of the pipeline run.
  • recipeSnapshot: A snapshot of the pipeline's recipe at the time of execution.

For additional details, please refer to the API reference.

Example Run Object:

"pipelineUid": "748d52a3-0c88-48d4-a7a9-a39b1da9707a",
"pipelineRunUid": "1be6fac3-8aa0-409e-919f-27d31e1daeab",
"pipelineVersion": "latest",
"totalDuration": 11788,
"runnerId": "admin",
"inputsReference": [
"inputs": [
"outputsReference": [
"outputs": [
"recipeSnapshot": {
"startTime": "2024-10-01T14:51:46.918797Z",
"completeTime": "2024-10-01T14:51:58.811019Z"

#View Runs via API

This endpoint returns a paginated list of pipeline runs.


export INSTILL_API_TOKEN=********
curl -X GET '' \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $INSTILL_API_TOKEN"

#View Runs via Console

  1. Go to the pipeline overview page.
  2. Select the Runs tab.
  3. A table will display all the pipeline runs for the user to view.