The HTTP component is a generic component that allows users to make requests to external HTTP APIs. It can carry out the following tasks:

#Release Stage



The component definition and tasks are defined in the definition.json and tasks.json files respectively.


In order to communicate with the external application, the following connection details need to be provided. You may specify them directly in a pipeline recipe as key-value pairs within the component's setup block, or you can create a Connection from the Integration Settings page and reference the whole setup as setup: ${connection.<my-connection-id>}.

FieldField IDTypeNote
Authentication (required)authenticationobjectAuthentication method to use for the REST API.
The authentication Object


authentication must fulfill one of the following schemas:

No Auth
FieldField IDTypeNote
Auth Typeauth-typestringMust be "NO_AUTH"
Basic Auth
FieldField IDTypeNote
Auth Typeauth-typestringMust be "BASIC_AUTH"
PasswordpasswordstringPassword for Basic auth.
UsernameusernamestringUsername for Basic Auth.
FieldField IDTypeNote
Auth Locationauth-locationstringAdd the API key to the header or query params.
Enum values
  • header
  • query
Auth Typeauth-typestringMust be "API_KEY"
Key NamekeystringKey name for API key authentication.
Key ValuevaluestringKey value for API key authentication.
Bearer Token
FieldField IDTypeNote
Auth Typeauth-typestringMust be "BEARER_TOKEN"
TokentokenstringBearer token.

#Supported Tasks


Send a HTTP GET request.

Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_GET
Endpoint URL (required)endpoint-urlstringThe API endpoint url.
Bodyoutput-body-schemastringThe request body.
Status Codestatus-codeintegerThe HTTP status code of the response.
BodybodyanyThe body of the response.
HeaderheaderobjectThe HTTP header of the response.


Send a HTTP POST request.

Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_POST
Endpoint URL (required)endpoint-urlstringThe API endpoint url.
BodybodyanyThe request body.
Bodyoutput-body-schemastringThe JSON schema of output body.
Status Codestatus-codeintegerThe HTTP status code of the response.
BodybodyanyThe body of the response.
HeaderheaderobjectThe HTTP header of the response.


Send a HTTP PATCH request.

Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_PATCH
Endpoint URL (required)endpoint-urlstringThe API endpoint url.
BodybodyanyThe request body.
Bodyoutput-body-schemastringThe JSON schema of output body.
Status Codestatus-codeintegerThe HTTP status code of the response.
BodybodyanyThe body of the response.
HeaderheaderobjectThe HTTP header of the response.


Send a HTTP PUT request.

Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_PUT
Endpoint URL (required)endpoint-urlstringThe API endpoint url.
BodybodyanyThe request body.
Bodyoutput-body-schemastringThe JSON schema of output body.
Status Codestatus-codeintegerThe HTTP status code of the response.
BodybodyanyThe body of the response.
HeaderheaderobjectThe HTTP header of the response.


Send a HTTP DELETE request.

Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_DELETE
Endpoint URL (required)endpoint-urlstringThe API endpoint url.
BodybodyanyThe request body.
Bodyoutput-body-schemastringThe JSON schema of output body.
Status Codestatus-codeintegerThe HTTP status code of the response.
BodybodyanyThe body of the response.
HeaderheaderobjectThe HTTP header of the response.

Send a HTTP HEAD request.

Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_HEAD
Endpoint URL (required)endpoint-urlstringThe API endpoint url.
Bodyoutput-body-schemastringThe request body.
Status Codestatus-codeintegerThe HTTP status code of the response.
BodybodyanyThe body of the response.
HeaderheaderobjectThe HTTP header of the response.


Send a HTTP OPTIONS request.

Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_OPTIONS
Endpoint URL (required)endpoint-urlstringThe API endpoint url.
BodybodyanyThe request body.
Bodyoutput-body-schemastringThe JSON schema of output body.
Status Codestatus-codeintegerThe HTTP status code of the response.
BodybodyanyThe body of the response.
HeaderheaderobjectThe HTTP header of the response.