
The Zilliz component is a data component that allows users to build and search vector datasets. It can carry out the following tasks:

#Release Stage



The component definition and tasks are defined in the definition.json and tasks.json files respectively.


In order to communicate with Zilliz, the following connection details need to be provided. You may specify them directly in a pipeline recipe as key-value pairs within the component's setup block, or you can create a Connection from the Integration Settings page and reference the whole setup as setup: ${connection.<my-connection-id>}.

FieldField IDTypeNote
Zilliz URL Endpoint (required)urlstringFill in your Zilliz public URL endpoint.
Zilliz API Key (required)api-keystringFill in your Zilliz API key.

#Supported Tasks

Perform a vector search on a collection

Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_VECTOR_SEARCH
Collection Name (required)collection-namestringThe name of the collection to perform vector search on.
Partition Namepartition-namestringThe name of the partition to vector search the data from.
Vector (required)vectorarray[number]An array of dimensions for the vector search.
Vector Field (required)vector-fieldstringThe name of the field to perform vector search on.
Fieldsfieldsarray[string]The fields to return in the data. If empty then all fields will be returned.
Limit (required)limitintegerThe limit of the data to return.
FilterfilterstringThe properties filter to be applied to the data with zilliz scalar filter, please refer to filtered-search.
OffsetoffsetintegerThe offset of the data to return.
Grouping Fieldgrouping-fieldstringThe name of the field to group the data by, please refer to grouping-search.
Search Parameterssearch-paramsobjectThe search parameters to be applied to the data with zilliz search parameters, please refer to search-parameters.
ResultresultobjectResult of the vector search operation.
StatusstatusstringVector search status.
Output Objects in Vector Search


FieldField IDTypeNote
DatadataarrayThe points returned from the vector search operation.
IDsidsarrayThe ids returned from the vector search operation.
MetadatametadataarrayThe metadata returned from the vector search operation.
VectorsvectorsarrayThe vectors returned from the vector search operation.


Insert a vector data into a collection

Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_UPSERT
Collection Name (required)collection-namestringThe name of the collection to upsert the data into.
Partition Namepartition-namestringThe name of the partition to upsert the data from. If empty then default partition will be used.
Data (required)dataobjectThe data.
StatusstatusstringUpsert status.

#Batch Upsert

Insert a batch of vector data into a collection

Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_BATCH_UPSERT
Collection Name (required)collection-namestringThe name of the collection to upsert the data into.
Partition Namepartition-namestringThe name of the partition to upsert the data from. If empty then default partition will be used.
Array Data (required)array-dataarray[object]The data.
StatusstatusstringBatch upsert status.


Delete vector data from a collection

Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_DELETE
Collection Name (required)collection-namestringThe name of the collection to delete the data from.
Partition Namepartition-namestringThe name of the partition to delete the data from. If empty then default partition will be used.
FilterfilterstringThe properties filter to be applied to the data with zilliz scalar filter, please refer to filtered-search.
StatusstatusstringDelete status.

#Create Collection

Create a collection, please refer to create-collection-v2

Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_CREATE_COLLECTION
Collection Name (required)collection-namestringThe name of the collection to create.
Dimension (required)dimensionintegerThe dimension of the collection.
ID Typeid-typestringThe type of the id.
SchemaschemaobjectThe schema of the collection.
Auto IDauto-idbooleanWhether to auto generate id.
Metric Typemetric-typestringThe metric type of the collection.
Enum values
  • L2
  • IP
Index Parametersindex-paramsobjectThe index parameters to be applied to the collection with zilliz index parameters, please refer to index-parameter.
ParametersparamsobjectThe parameters to be applied to the collection with zilliz parameters, please refer to parameters.
StatusstatusstringCreate collection status.

#Drop Collection

Drop a collection

Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_DROP_COLLECTION
Collection Name (required)collection-namestringThe name of the collection to drop.
StatusstatusstringDrop collection status.

#Create Partition

Create a partition in a collection

Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_CREATE_PARTITION
Collection Name (required)collection-namestringThe name of the collection to create the partition in.
Partition Name (required)partition-namestringThe name of the partition to create.
StatusstatusstringCreate partition status.

#Drop Partition

Drop a partition from a collection

Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_DROP_PARTITION
Collection Name (required)collection-namestringThe name of the collection to drop the partition from.
Partition Name (required)partition-namestringThe name of the partition to drop.
StatusstatusstringDrop partition status.