
The Chroma component is a data component that allows users to build and search vector datasets. It can carry out the following tasks:

#Release Stage



The component definition and tasks are defined in the definition.json and tasks.json files respectively.


In order to communicate with Chroma, the following connection details need to be provided. You may specify them directly in a pipeline recipe as key-value pairs within the component's setup block, or you can create a Connection from the Integration Settings page and reference the whole setup as setup: ${connection.<my-connection-id>}.

FieldField IDTypeNote
API Key (required)api-keystringFill in your Chroma API key
Chroma URL Endpoint (required)urlstringFill in your Chroma hosted public URL endpoint with port, e.g http://1.2.3:8000

#Supported Tasks

#Batch Upsert

Upsert multiple vector items into a collection, existing items will be updated

Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_BATCH_UPSERT
Collection Name (required)collection-namestringThe name of the collection to upsert the item into
Array ID (required)array-idarray[string]The array of id
Array Metadata (required)array-metadataarray[object]The array of vector metadata
Array Vector (required)array-vectorarray[array]The array of vector values
Array Documentarray-documentarray[string]The array of document string values
Array URIarray-uriarray[string]The array of uri
StatusstatusstringBatch add status


Upsert a vector item into a collection, existing item will be updated

Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_UPSERT
Collection Name (required)collection-namestringThe name of the collection to upsert the item into
ID (required)idstringThe ID of the item
Metadata (required)metadataobjectThe vector metadata
Vector (required)vectorarray[number]An array of dimensions for the vector value
DocumentdocumentstringThe document string value
URIuristringThe uri of the item
StatusstatusstringAdd status


Perform a vector search on a collection

Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_QUERY
Collection Name (required)collection-namestringThe name of the collection to perform vector similarity search on
Vector (required)vectorarray[number]An array of dimensions for the vector query.
N Results (required)n-resultsintegerThe N amount of items to return from the vector search operation
FilterfilterobjectThe metadata filter to be applied to the data with Chroma where filter, please refer to using-where-filters
Filter Documentfilter-documentstringThe document content filter to be applied to the data, please refer to filtering-by-document-contents
Fieldsfieldsarray[string]The fields to be returned from the vector search operation
ResultresultobjectResult of the vector search operation
StatusstatusstringVector search status
Output Objects in Query


FieldField IDTypeNote
IDsidsarrayThe ids returned from the vector search operation
ItemsitemsarrayThe items returned from the vector search operation
MetadatametadataarrayThe metadata returned from the vector search operation
VectorsvectorsarrayThe vectors returned from the vector search operation


Delete vector items from a collection

Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_DELETE
Collection Name (required)collection-namestringThe name of the collection to delete the object from
IDidstringThe ID of the item
FilterfilterobjectThe metadata filter to be applied to the data with Chroma where filter, please refer to using-where-filters
Filter Documentfilter-documentstringThe document content filter to be applied to the data, please refer to filtering-by-document-contents
StatusstatusstringDelete status

#Create Collection

Create a collection

Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_CREATE_COLLECTION
Collection Name (required)collection-namestringThe name of the collection to create
ConfigmetadataobjectThe metadata of the collection. Please refer to creating-inspecting-and-deleting-collection
ConfigurationconfigurationobjectThe configuration of the collection. Please refer to creating-inspecting-and-deleting-collection
Get or Createget-or-createbooleanIf true, the collection will be created if it does not exist
StatusstatusstringCreate collection status

#Delete Collection

Delete a collection

Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_DELETE_COLLECTION
Collection Name (required)collection-namestringThe name of the collection to delete
StatusstatusstringDelete collection status