Delete Catalog

This page shows you how to delete a Catalog.


Please note that once a Catalog is deleted, all related uploaded and processed files will be deleted as well.

#Delete Catalog via API


export INSTILL_API_TOKEN=********
curl -X DELETE '{namespaceId}/catalogs/{catalogId}' \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $INSTILL_API_TOKEN"

Note that the {namespaceId} and {catalogId} path parameters must be replaced by the Catalog owner's ID (namespace) and the identifier of the Catalog to be deleted, respectively.

#Delete Catalog via 📺 Instill Console

To delete a Catalog from 📺 Instill Console, follow these steps:

  1. Launch 📺 Instill Console on ☁️ Instill Cloud or via a local 🔮 Instill Core deployment at http://localhost:3000.
  2. Navigate to the Artifacts page using the navigation bar.
  3. Click ... in the bottom-right of the Catalog card you wish to delete.
  4. Select Delete.